FALCONBRIDGE – A study team will begin door-to-door visits in Falconbridge this week to talk to residents about an arsenic exposure study that’s getting underway.
“Falconbridge Limited made a commitment last summer to undertake a study to help answer residents’ concerns about arsenic exposure,” says Chris Wren, director of the SARA Group. “We hope this is the first step in a successful study to address these concerns.” Dr. Wren notes that the initial design phase of the study requires consultation with residents. “The team of scientists is working closely with members of the Falconbridge Citizens’ Committee, who are helping gather support within the community. This week’s visits will start the ball rolling, and allow us to hear the main concerns of community residents about arsenic exposure.”
The main phase of the study will be conducted from August to October, following a full summer of exposure to the soil, and will include interviews with residents about their health and exposure. It will also involve collecting individual samples of urine for arsenic analysis. This approach will provide a direct measure of residents’ exposure to arsenic and their patterns of exposure. “Studies like this have been conducted in other communities in Ontario, and have been very valuable in addressing communities’ concerns,” says Lesbia Smith, medical consultant on the SARA study team.
Team members from the SARA Group will conduct brief door-to-door visits from Thursday, March 25 to Sunday, March 28, 2004. The plan is to include all households in Falconbridge. A letter has been mailed to residents notifying them of these visits. In addition, residents will be able to drop in to visit the team at the Falconbridge Community Centre from 4 - 8pm, March 25 to 27. Residents will have an opportunity to speak directly with Dr. Smith about the study.
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For more information, contact:
For more information please contact
SARA Group director, Chris Wren at
1-519-766-1039 or 1-866-315-0228.