SUDBURY –the SARA Group undertaking the Sudbury Soils Study has provided participants in last summer’s vegetable garden survey with the results of metal analysis of their garden soil and produce. “Overall, metal levels in local garden soil and produce were low, and we don’t expect any immediate health concerns from gardening. We encourage gardeners to plant as they have before, and to continue with good hygiene practices, such as carefully washing produce before consumption, and washing hands following gardening,” said Chris Wren, director of the SARA Group. Metal levels were comparable to those seen in other communities in Ontario, and anyone wanting further information on their letters is welcome to contact the SARA Group directly.
The latest edition of the Study’s Update newsletter was printed in Northern Life on May 28, 2004 and will be mailed to almost 1,000 residents on the study’s mailing list this week. The newsletter includes updates on study progress, as well as a list of upcoming scientific and public activities. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please call our toll-free number (1-866-315-0228), or send an email to questions@sudburysoilsstudy.com.
The next PAC meeting will be held Tuesday, June 22, 2004 from 6:30 to 9:30 pm, at the Gold Room at Science North. The next Technical Committee meetings will be held Thursday, July 8, and Thursday, August 12, with public sessions from 9:30 to 10:30 am, in Room C11 of Tom Davies Square. Members of the public who wish to make a presentation and would like consideration on the agenda of TC and PAC meetings are asked to contact John Hogenbirk, PAC Chair, at 705-675-1151, ext. 3435 or via e-mail at jhogenbirk@nickel.laurentian.ca, or the SARA Group at 1-866-315-0228 or via e-mail at questions@sudburysoilsstudy.com.
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For more information, contact:
For more information please contact
SARA Group director, Chris Wren at
1-519-766-1039 or 1-866-315-0228.