Sudbury Soils Study

Public Advisory Committee - Meeting #12

January 20, 2004 – 6:00 p.m.

Koski Centre - Cambrian College



Attendees:                 Ivan Filion                                John Hogenbirk                       Gary Hrytsak                          
                                    Aino Laamanen                       Dino Masiero                           Paul St. Jean              


Process Observer: Franco Mariotti


Absent:                       Joe Cimino                              Rubina Nebenionquit               Darrell Alston 


TC Members:             Marc Butler                             Brian McMahon                       Stephen Monet
Ido Vettoretti                            Glen Watson                           Ed Wierzbicki


SARA Group:             Chris Wren


Chair:                          Ivan Filion

Recorder:                  Julie Sabourin


Guests:                      Dr. R. Brecher                           P. Bolger


Public (17)




1.0       CALL TO ORDER


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. following dinner.  The Chair welcomed guests and media present and indicated that an opportunity to address the PAC would be made as a revised item 4.0 – Open Forum on the agenda and thereafter become a standing agenda item. Thirty minutes would be allowed for this activity. Members of the PAC, TC and SARA Group then introduced themselves to those of the public in attendance.








Add 4.0 – Open Forum (30 min)


01-2004           Moved by Hrytsak – St. Jean:  That the agenda be approved as amended.  CARRIED


4.0       OPEN FORUM (30 min)


Eric Gillespie: Mr. Gillespie opened by thanking the PAC for the opportunity for ongoing dialogue.  He also made note that the most recent report of the Independent Process Observer was very responsive to current issues. He also indicated that he expected the TC to deal with the issue of a formal process for the public to address the TC at their next meeting and to inform the public of their response to that recommendation and next steps.


Regarding the employment of Dr. R. Brecher as a Scientific Advisor, Mr. Gillespie felt the group should find scientists unrelated to the Study here and in Port Colborne.


Homer Seguin: Mr. Seguin requested once again that the TC give recognition to the high risk group and their occupational exposure of Inco and Falconbridge retirees. Brian McMahon responded by indicating he would be addressing this issue later in the meeting.


Margaret Laforest: Ms. Laforest queried if the Study was looking at all aspects (community groups) other than just the working community.  Chris Wren responded by stating that the focus of the Study is all residents living in the community at large, looking at specific diseases related to exposure and also informed the public that all the information/full report will be made available to the public.


Marcel Rainville: Mr. Rainville asked the question about how will we be differentiating sulphur pesticides that have been introduced to the local soil.  Chris Wren replied by stating that the SARA Group are not analyzing pesticides or herbicides, but that if they find something abnormal, it will require further investigation wherein the pesticides, etc., may then be identified as the source.


Paul Barchet: Mr. Barchet asked when the results of the Vegetable Garden Survey be made available to the public.  Chris Wren reported that the vegetables are now being analyzed and the report is expected this spring and the full final report expected in the summer of 2005.




            5.1       Minutes of Meeting #11 – November 18, 2003


Two typographical errors were noted.


02-2004           Moved by Hogenbirk – Hrytsak:  That the minutes of meeting #11 dated November 18, 2003 be approved as corrected.  CARRIED




            6.1       Review of PAC Terms of Reference


It was agreed that following the meeting – those PAC members not present be contact for their input as well.


2.0 – Purpose: there was some confusion as to its interpretation, and a request was made to clarify this further.


1.0 – Background: Clarification was requested as to the PAC role with EarthCare as we have not heard from them other than they were going through their second phase and would notify us of their new structure.  This has not happened as yet and the Chair offered to contact them to find out where they are at and determine any potential role they might play with the PAC. It was also requested that this reference needed to be cleaned up.


3.1 – Membership: It was recommended the wording “from the area of the City of Greater Sudbury” by changed to the “area of the Study”.


3.2 – Number of Members: revise the number to read “12 members” to accommodate a previous decision by the TC and PAC to increase the membership to that amount.

Selection Process:  There was considerable discussion in this regard.  It was finally agreed that the three vacant positions (the most recent being that of Norris Artuso) be filled by the next meeting.  It was agreed that the Chair will call a separate meeting for the PAC to make the final selection once he, with the assistance of the Vice Chair and WG, short list those candidates that have submitted their resumes. It was also agreed that the Selection Process be included as follows:

“The secretariat work continue to be done by the TC, but the decision and

final selection be completed by the PAC.”


Unions: this request was brought up for discussion/decision.  The PAC was concerned that these groups might use their membership as a forum for other issues and supported their opportunity to apply as a member of the community via the current selection process – regardless of their union affiliation.


Scientific Advisors:  The PAC deliberated and decided that they would not amend their Terms of Reference to include responsibility for review of technical/scientific issues. It was recommended a statement be added to the Terms of Reference to clarify the opportunity to have the freedom to call upon Advisors at the cost of the TC, if it is deemed appropriate.  It was noted that the two current Advisors are available to the PAC at any time.

Action:  The Chair and Vice-Chair re-write the Terms of Reference incorporating

the above recommendations and table for approval at the next meeting.


6.2       PAC Annual Report


            The second draft was tabled for review.  The Chair requested any additional changes be sent to him by January 30th.  At that time, a finalized version will be distributed electronically.

Action: Chair to incorporate additional comments and distribute

to PAC and TC electronically.


            6.3       Dialogue with R. Brecher


Dr. Brecher introduced himself as the founding partner of Globaltox.  He went on with a slide presentation providing the PAC with his background, what his project responsibilities would be, an overview of what an HHRA is and his personal commitment to the project.  It was agreed questions by the PAC could go directly to Dr. Brecher, but that according to his contract, responses would be copied to members of the WG and all other members of the PAC.


It was asked of the TC to consider making the HHRA Methodology report available to the public via the website.  It was agreed this would be taken into consideration.


6.4       Progress Report from the SARA Group


Chris Wren reported the Open House was very well attended and thanked the members of the PAC that were in attendance for their participation.  He indicated that his Group has been very busy in November and December with communications, a number of technical initiatives, preparing for a ˝ day workshop on February 18. The PAC asked for more details regarding this workshop.

Action: Chris to e-mail information to PAC.




6.5       Progress Report from TC


Brian McMahon reported that a decision had been made by the TC to allow an opportunity for public input at their meetings during the first hour of the meeting. He reminded everyone that TC meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at Tom Davies Square.

In reference to the request to incorporate occupational exposure into the Study, the TC agreed that this would be best dealt with outside the Sudbury Soils Study, and further, the companies have agreed to address this concern at their Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees. He also stated that any information regarding environmental exposure on hand would be made available to that group.


Regarding the unions request for membership on the TC, members of the WG are meeting with the unions on Thursday and once they have had their discussions, the rest of the public can then be informed.


7.0       NEW BUSINESS


7.1       Election of Chair and Co-chair


Deferred to the next meeting.


8.0       TC MEETINGS


8.1       Minutes of TC Meeting #27 November 6, 2003


These minutes were tabled for information.  


9.0       ADDENDUM




March  16, 2004 at 6:00 p.m. – Koski Centre, Cambrian College




03-2004           Moved by Masiero – Hogenbirk: That this meeting be adjourned.  CARRIED





            _______________________________                      _____________________________

                        Chair, Ivan Filion                                                         Recorder, Julie Sabourin




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