Metals in the Sudbury Environment

Public Advisory Committee - Meeting #5

July 16, 2002 – 6:00 p.m.

President’s Boardroom – Cambrian College



Attendees:      Norris Artuso               Joe Cimino                  Ivan Filion

John Hogenbirk           Larry McGregor           Steve Reitzel


Regrets:         Gary Hrystak                Rubina Nebenionquit   Franco Mariotti                                                          


TC Members: Marc Butler                  Kathy McDonald          Ido Vettoretti               

Glen Watson               Ed Wierzbicki


Chair:              Ivan Filion

Recorder:      Julie Sabourin

Guest:             Paula


1.0       CALL TO ORDER




Deferred. It is expected the TC will be providing more information on this at the next meeting.




            i)          Steve Reitzel - Status on Committee




            4.1       Minutes of Meeting #3 – April 16, 2002


            Minutes were approved as distributed.


            4.2       Special Meeting – April 25, 2002


            Minutes were approved as distributed.


            4.3       Notes of Meeting #4 - June 18, 2002


            It was requested that the notation “John Hogenbirk Presiding” be removed.  With this modification the minutes were approved as distributed.




            5.1       Annual Meeting of EarthCare        


            Ivan reported that he has made several contacts to obtain this information, but as yet been unsuccessful.  The request has been submitted and once received he will share the information electronically.


            5.2       Update on Request for Intent


Glen reported that this document was issued last Tuesday on MERX.  The closing date is set for this Friday. From the responses received they will then be reviewed to ensure they satisfy the mandatory requirements/criteria.  The entire list will submitted to the TC who in turn will decide which consultants should be provided the complete RFP.  The bidders will then have two weeks to look over RFP and a mandatory bidder’s meeting will be held to respond to any queries, etc. It is expected that it will take six weeks for the consultants to write up the proposals.  For this reason the start date is not expected to be before the beginning of October.


The PAC had considerable discussion to emphasize the fact that the process be conducted by the TC in such as was as to address issues of equity, objectivity and also be non-partisan.  It was also recommended that the peer review would serve to ensure an equitable process. The PAC were informed that there has been no solicitation undertaken for any specific consultant group.

Action:  PAC to be provided with the number of submissions, the number that met the requirements and the number that were issued the RFP.  

It was noted that this request would be tabled with the TC.


            5.3       Report of Process Observer         


Julie reported that the Franco had obtained the services of J. Courtemanche to do an independent review of his report.  She was also asked to develop an Executive Summary to be included in the newspaper one week before the Open House (more information to follow in the meeting).  The full report would be available at the Open House.  It was requested that the PAC have an opportunity to review for clarity, the final edited draft.

Action: Julie to distribute report electronically.


The group were also informed that Franco will be the feature in the Sunday edition of the Sudbury Star and the Newsmaker of the Week the Sunday prior to the Open House.


6.0       NEW BUSINESS


6.1       Comments/Observations


Joe reported that he has been made aware of comments from the public regarding the length of time that has elapsed since the last Open House was held with no information forthcoming and that the TC should expect to have to address this query at the next Open House.


6.2       PAC Terms of Reference   


i)    Language: As noted in the previous minutes, John recommended the PAC formally address the issue of language in order to be prepared for requests in this regard.  Following a lengthy discussion it was agreed that the working language of the PAC would be the same as that of the TC in that it would be English.  It was also agreed that the TC should be informed to be sensitive presentations/information to other cultural groups and attempt to accommodate any requests.  It was also recommended that no group be deprived of having access to information because of language issues and that this should never be a barrier in the sharing of information. It was suggested that similar language be provided in the RFP so that the consultant company would be made aware and then capable of fulfilling that criteria.


ii)  Presentations/Documents Available to Public: Further to the above discussion, it was agreed that all documents tabled at the PAC meetings would/could be provided to the public.  It was the consensus of the group that should the TC require the PAC to provide input/feedback on items that may be considered sensitive for the public, that the TC invite the PAC to participate in their meeting where they will address the issue.

Action:  Julie to amend Terms of Reference Item 5.7 to reflect this discussion.


6.3       Communication Sub-Committee Report


Kathy reported on behalf of the CSC.  She thanked the PAC for their comments regarding the communication Plan and informed the group that their comments were incorporated.  She also informed the group of the recommendations made to the TC which were as follows:


i)  Process Observer report be professionally edited: This the Process Observer did in obtaining the services of Judy Courtemanche.

ii)  Hire an ad agency to implement items in the Communications Strategy:  The TC had submitted and RFP in this regard and an agency is expected to be contracted by the end of the week.

iii) Hire and administrative/marketing individual for the committee to liaise with the ad agency:  Julie will provide these services for the present.

iv) Address communication initiative to host an Open House:  The TC has moved forward in this regard by arranging the Open House for July 31, 2002.


The issue of having two groups providing the TC with feedback/advice was raised and noted as being somewhat of a conflict.  Kathy responded by indicating their sole purpose was to develop the communication strategy for the project and it is the TC’s responsibility to implement the recommendations.  They will continue to provide support in this regard, only upon request of the TC.  It was also noted that the PAC would liaise directly with the TC only.


This also raised the issue of the relationship with EarthCare.  It was agreed this would be tabled for further discussion at the next meeting.

Action:  Julie to add to next agenda.


6.4       Open House – July 31, 2002                       


            The group was informed of events in this regard.  It is to be held from 7 - 9 p.m.  Dick DeStefano will host on behalf of the TC, Dr. David Pearson will be speaking as well as Franco to launch his report.  The PAC recommended that a one-page document be developed for participants to take away with them with information as to how they can reach members of the PAC and TC.  It was also recommended that some PSAs be arranged.  As well, possibly some posters for the Band offices.


7.0       TC MEETINGS




7.1       Unapproved Minutes Meeting #11 July 8, 2003


Tabled for information.


8.0       ADDENDUM


            i)          Steve Reitzel - Status on Committee


            Steve indicated that he will begin employment on August 1st with the MOEE.  He expects that this will be a direct conflict with his continued participation on the committee and he indicated his resignation.

            Action: TC to consider replacement on PAC.


9.0       NEXT MEETING


The PAC were informed that the TC is attempting to arrange a guest speaker from Trail BC that has had considerable experience with regard to communications in his workings at Cominco and a similar project that was undertaken there.  At the time of the TC meeting it was felt that arrangements should be made for both the TC and PAC to meet to discuss communications issues and invite the guest speaker as well.  Since that meeting, it has come to our attention that the gentleman is not available until September.  For this reason, the PAC decided not to meet with the TC on August 12th, but to wait until the guest speaker is available.  Barring any other developments in this regard, the next PAC meeting will be held August 20th as previously arranged.




Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.



            _______________________________                      _____________________________

                        Chair, Ivan Filion                                                         Recorder, Julie Sabourin

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