and Decision Summaries from TC Meetings |
members | terms
of reference |
Technical Committee - Terms of Reference
The City of Greater Sudbury has a long history of mining, roasting, smelting, and refining processes dating back more than 100 years. This industrial activity has contributed to elevated metal levels in the area based on sampling studies. As a result of the elevated metal levels in the soils, a Human Health Risk Assessment and an Ecological Risk Assessment (HHRA/ERA) is planned to assess the level of risk to both humans and the environment. From these studies, it is anticipated that recommendations for soil and environmental remediation will be established.
Purpose/Mandate of Committee
The Technical Committee (herein referred to as the “Committee”) has been assembled to assist in the development of the Request for Proposal and provide technical guidance in completing the HHRA/ERA and any associated studies. The Committee will also review and consider input from the Public Advisory Committee (PAC), and/or other sources, to better guide the studies to their final conclusions and recommendations.
The Committee will ensure that the process leading to the HHRA/ERA Request for Proposal (RFP) and completion of all reports proceeds in a timely manner.
Committee Members
The Committee includes representation from the following companies/agencies: Inco Ltd., Falconbridge Ltd., City of Greater Sudbury, Sudbury & District Board of Health, Health Canada and the Ministry of the Environment. Representation from each organization will not exceed three members at any meeting.
The Chair of the PAC or designate will also be invited to participate in all TC meetings. The role of this individual would not be one of decision making but rather to provide a communication link between the TC and PAC.
Reporting and Duration
This Committee will update the PAC on progress on a regular basis, and will seek comment and input from the PAC on all relevant issues regarding the HHRA/ERA process and any associated studies.
The Technical Committee will continue to meet and direct issues related to the HHRA/ERA until the report(s) is/are released to the public and/or until remediation activities are completed, if they are required.
The preference of the Committee is for decisions to be made by consensus. Where this is not possible, a resolution mechanism may be adopted by the Committee, if and when required.
The Ministry of the Environment and the Sudbury & District Board of Health have legislative responsibilities within their jurisdiction that may take precedence over some matters.
Meeting Procedures
Meetings shall be held at a time convenient for the majority of members and otherwise as required at the call of the facilitator or members. There will be a minimum notice period of seven calendar days for calling additional meetings.
Under most circumstances, meetings will be facilitated by an independent party. Where an independent party is not available, the TC will select an interim chair.
At least one member from each company/agency will be in attendance otherwise the meeting may be rescheduled.
All members will have the responsibility for reporting group activities and discussions back to their respective organizations.
All meetings will be open to members of the PAC to participate as observers except during in camera sessions.
In camera sessions will be rare but may be necessary in situations where confidentially of third party intellectual property or real property issues needs to be preserved. In such situations members will be duly noted and expected to comply except where precluded by existing legislation/regulatory responsibilities. The Process Observer will attend all in camera sessions.
Location of the meetings will be shared amongst the member companies/agencies.
Additional observers from any member agency/company may attend meetings in a non-participatory role.
Working Group (WG)
The Committee may from time to time appoint working groups, made up of Committee members that will undertake tasks as directed. These working groups will report directly to the Committee by bringing forward recommendations on their work for final approval by the Committee.
Minutes and Secretariat
All administrative services associated with this Committee will be the responsibility of Inco and Falconbridge. Minutes will be distributed electronically. All minutes will be forwarded to the PAC and the Process Observer.